Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh My G-O-D

Hi Peeps,
I have something hilarious and disgusting to show your
my little bro shows me and to my mother


Credit to: STOMP
hahas hilarious rite?
inside the MRT TRAIN somemore and he didnt notice his pants split cos he is too engross with his phone
lucky those nice ppl "Chop Off" his head, if not i think he dun need to live already la!!!
my bro and mother say he like nvr even wear underwear lo hahas
omg so beware guys!!! girls look out too!!!
dun too engross with phone, games la!!! LMAO

more information can be found in the link HERE.

and lastly for my interview as mention earlier, still not sure of the outcome yet
need to go through 4 interviewer:
consultant --> Assistant Manager --> Manager --> Director
like WTH!!! =.= damn stress la
today only completed 2 interviewer nia, cos the others 2 head not avilable at the moments!!
so maybe i have to go through 2 more interview again
*PRAY HARD* they selected me
cos i like the job scope, working envrionment and the people seems friendly and nice
most importantly, dun need to look for jobs again!!
look dao i damn stressful and worried of my future =(

ciao all

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'M Sucks

oh man i damn nervous now....
told myself to stay clam, thats everyone should be friendly

gonna go for an interview later @ CPF building (Jurong)
for Adecco company, for recruitment consultant position.
omg damn nervous while i typing these post..
i'm scare later i stumble, like i always do during presentation
omg i sucks at presentation and interview!!
even 3yrs of poly life i still sucks and nervous in presentation moreover interview la

omg pray god will watch over me...
i need all the god now either Jesus, Buddist, Guan Yin blah blah....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fresh Graduate de Trouble


I have completed my studies le, in last friday^^
have been slacking, resting and finding work at home
and also think carefully of my future path:
what i wanna be?
what i wanna to work as?

i think dao white hair coming out le, been struggling this few days
haiis this is the trouble of fresh graduate having!!

anyway have wanted to work back sales line, but the pay is too low liao
try a retail shop at cathy, they giving $1000+ commission for 6 days weeks & retails hrs lo
damn pathetic and low!!! i decline it immediately!
not even enough to pay all my bills, transport, meal allowance, daily necessities needs the money
so i decided to try office work, even though I HATE OFFICE!!!
cos it boring and too early morning need to go work liao, its like everyday routine.

but i still try it... =Pp
just work first and see see how ba
i just submit application to UOB as customer services assistant in either branches or at airport.
shall i submit application as recruitment consultant??
wanna find those reputation and more experience de. so nxt time if i wanna hop job gt experiences, easier to find too. =)

omg. Are you shooting armpits?

Friday, February 18, 2011

CNY Chu Yi & Chu Er

Yeah!!! finally a long awaiting post of CNY!!!
never really enjoy this yrs CNY, dunno why also =(
maybe grown ups liao so not really looking forward to it ba...
anyway some pics that we took!

all our money lose to bankers
they said gt $200 lol
crazy much!!! hahas

♡ラ━━━━━━(♥∀♥)ビュ━━━━━━ ♡
♥ my new gold stud shoes

check out my new stoccking from topshop
cost me $19 lol, but i like it alot
gonna purchase 1 more, cos my gt abit of scratch

my dp for facebook ^^

hahas like titanic ways of hugging =Pp

cousiness are loved!!
there are more photo, but with my biao jie
will upload more once i get it

ヾ(。>д<)ノ *+:。.。:+*ВчёВчё*+:。.。:+* (ノД`。)ノシ

Saturday, February 12, 2011


hello peeps!!
valentines is around the corner
and yes its sucks tmd, for falling on mon, boooo...

me and bf celebrate valentines @ sat 12/2
hahas after i submit the pic its already pass midnight
we celebrate early cos dar working on mon and i have to rush assignment on mon too, so postpone early, and dun you think eat dinner at valentine days not worth?? cos too exp le la!!!
those resturant trying to make money de..

anyway, so we went to bugis
cos wanna eat steamboat, yes we are not tired of it after eating steamboat in cny for 2 times
cos in cny no crab, no tomyam soup base, cannot eat dao shiok
so we have our own steamboat outing, and we are not like other couples who prefer those high class resturants hahas

at first dar say wanna bring me to hotel the buffet cos the seafood there more high class which is like $40-$80 per person
but i dun want it!! cos how to eat properly in a high class resturant where you have to battle with the crab
omg later my crab fly out lo!!! den i damn embrassing hahas
so we still prefer buffet or steamboat in those normal places!!

so at bugis it a must to take neoprint ma!!
memorable and fun
so a few pic of self taking using my phone, before taking neoprints ^^

so here the outcomes
hahas we choose wrongly shouldnt choose for a 3 pax one =(

a zoom in of the neoprints, my eyes look damn big and scary sia
not i purposely edit one hor!! even i edit also NOT so lousy la
hahas it actually the beauty mode, making us look damn white and eyes damn big
anyway dar right eyes a big wired, dunno why also, maybe the machine fault.

anyway we went to bugis street shop before dinner
and we saw a perfume shop, so go in and see
always wanna get my Britney Spear: Radiance & Lavin: Marry Me
and this shop selling both lehx, somemore @ dirty cheap price but its NOT those "shui huo" lo
its real cos i buy before those shui huo (gt cheated), awhile the frangrance will gone le, but this wont
Radiance usual @ department store sell @$108++, here $59
and Marry Me usual @ department store sell @$139++, here also $69(for a better box package if you wanna send as gift) but if those normal box is $59 (see without the box is $10 cheaper, since i using it myself of cos i get the one without box de la!! cheaper lehx, also no different de)
here is the pic of the box,
i ask auntie le, they gt 2 outlets at bugis street, one at novena square, one at FEP, one at cineleisure
Shop Name: "Frangrance & Beauty World"

here is the bottle
the radiance look nice right? so chio
and Marry Me so sweet...

oh ya both perfume smell is those sweet scence ones
cos i dun like those strong smell, so normally i will choose those sweet scence de.....
your can try out the scent at any sasa, tang any outlet first, if your scare is shui hua than compare with the shop, confirm the same smell....

gonna end my post le,
wish all couple: Happy Valentines Day's
PS: treat each other good wor =)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

So Slow Yet So Fast

ya!! i'm going to graduate soon from poly life, although i think there isn't a "Shi Fang Mao"
counting down to 8 more days left...
should i be happy or sad?

1) No more Exam
2) No more Assignments
3) No more Boring Lectural
4) No more Waking Up In The Morning
5) No more Squeezing The Bus
1) I miss My Peers
2) I miss Rice Bowl
3) I miss Pancakes
4) I miss Bento
5) I miss Kaki Fuyong
6) I miss Tom Yam
7) I miss Yong Tao Fu
Ps: (hahas all the food!!!)
8) I have To Find A Job

and some days back when i'm older, and look back at those days, i will say "I Miss My School Days"!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rabbit Year

Hi All
CNY is around the corner in a blink of eyes!!
i'm all in CNY mood le, as mon pon sch cos cherie and BY nvr come so me too =P, and today early self-declare dismiss skip GP with cherie... tml dun want to attend cos DOA assignment completed le!! hahas
see we are all prepare for CNY le
hahas gonna aims alot alot of hong bao this yrs, and play gambling in this 4 days till siao
$_$ here i comes...
tml having reunion dinner eve @ my hse, damn excited although every yrs is the same routin..

anyway here is me and dar relax moments @ last sun 30/1
our favourite snacks time with sushi
everytime we went out and saw either cold storage and fairprice extra, we will went in and buy rows of salmon sushi homes, hahas and watch tv while we eat up all the sushi.

we loves eating like this!

In advance wish your:
A Happy Rabbit Chinese New Year
collect more more hong baos wor ♡♡(๑→ܫ←人→ܫ←๑)♡♡