Wednesday, March 30, 2011

suckerpunch sucks!!!

hiies all
went to watch suckerpuch yesterday @ lot 1 with dar
omg the movie totally sucks to hell sia, poor story outline, dun understand it lo like no link btw the real world and fantasy world lo
okie so the all remember dun watch the shows hor, it no worth trying, i rather watch red riding hood lo

enough of nagging i have been shopping lately, either be it in online or far east or bugis
have been shopping for office wear clothes cos during 1 months training i need to wear office clothes lo hahas
den after that work in branch gt uniform provided so still okie

anyway think i spent $100+ now le, think will spend more again...
brough a $63.90 pants from mphosis luh, a bomb to me but the pants cutting is nice lehx so nvm luh
den a $10 white tank top,
a grey skirt from online, dunno how much le think is $20++
den a dress from bugis, its a steal lo, brought it for $20 nia and it super pretty

hahas oh ya i saw a office heels from charles and keith $40++ damn chio la, tempting to buy but i gt a office heels from mphosis that i buy long ago liao lehx =(
gonna brought 3 more dress and a jacket again.. den should be enough for my office wear le, just mix and match...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Have Pass!!!

omg i have pass all my modules
*Shouting out loud* hehex
i'm feeling so happy today and anxious cos passing means i can really work at ocbc le
omg so unbevilable
gotten a B for DOA, which i scare the most, and a C for GP, where i still thought i will got a D for it, den a AD for CorCom, my first Distinction in my whole freaking poly life, thanks for the teammates hardship and our $$$ to make the project so success

lastly need to thanks god
must be the gods and gong zi bao yu me (gonna go back teck whye there bai bai to return their help le)
last nite before i sleep i even say a little prayer to them =)
Thanks god for hearing my prayer!!!
and also thanks those who pray for me ^^

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pray Hard for Me, Thanks

after bai gong fu zi today, my mind and soul is more an xin
hope the god can stand by me and fillfull my wish =)

i also started to play a application on facebook called "My Shop"
omg i'm addicted to the game le... hehex

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh god, pls let my wish comes true

i will be getting result on the 25 of May
damn worried sia now adays...
i gt a bad feeling for it =(
everytime when there is a big major thing coming out, my luck is sucks
omg!!! like PSLE, O'level my marks at the major ends not good!!
sian la, thats why i had a bad feeling for the result
i wanna go visit teck whye there the gong zi and bai bai tml le!!!
*Pray* everything is alright for me, i really hope a pass will do. not in a high hope

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pray Hard for Me, Thanks

hey all good news good news!!!
i had been accepted by OCBC like OMG!! and i have signed the contract today morning.
hurray!!! hahas actually wanted to post the good news on yesteray de
but i wanna wait till everything confirm like signing contract all the stuff before breaking the news
the pay not bad wor!!!
so i will be on training in the mid april, so still gt weeks for me to relax and enjoy

hope everything went smoothly, like the work and especially i can graduate from poly without any failing in my modules =) cos i think i sucks in DOA sia!! cos of the mistake i did in CT =(
Pls all of you, pls *PRAY HARD* for me so that i can pass all my module, thanks alot.

love you guys

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

LOL Steven Lim Lehx

halo guys!!
ya today i'm gonna share with you "STEVEN LIM"!!! (I have posted it on my fb too =P)

*WARNING* for those who dun like critize ppl dun bother reading my post below!!

i'm bet your know who is him rite? i think the whole Singapore knows him liao, hahas kkies la maybe not so exagerrating but mostly of you know who is him la...
if i remember clearly, he is a guy that on a TV shows take off all his clothes (left boxers on ONLY) infront of Fann Wong de la

why i wanna share with your lehx, is because i was reading this blogger blog: Holly Jean, i love reading her blog is interesting and mostly her language is so good
anyways i saw her post abt Steven Lim getting himself a 16yrs old girls friends. so i go read up the article, and i was like OMG of his speech and really i think he is bu yao lian sia...
why i'm syaing he bu yao lian lehx????

the following evidence is gonna prove yours of my perceptive:

see all the evidence of his bu yao lian!!! he really think he is very handsome mehx??
really he gt very super high esteem lehx
dunno wad his gf think lehx, i think all gt problem in their tasting sia, if for me the whole world guys died or wad, i also wont choose him lo... hahas

kkies enough of laughing and sharing, maybe your think i very bad la, go post and laugh abt him
but i really think the article and him hisself is a ready a funny kiddo le...

so if those who wanna look and read up the article can go HERE
for those who pity him or think i'm bad your can dun read up de wor!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Music Sharing Time

yeap!! i gt some nice music to share with you over the weekends =)

first is Utada Hikaru
your still remember her? her first hit song "First Love" was famous back then
think when i was in secondary it was damn popular bah, seems like everyone phone must have that song, and i love it too =X
so a little recap of the song but rythmes version

and she sings pretty well in english too
i think this song is not originally sang by her bah!? isn't it?
if i remember correctly it was sang by other singer
but it was equally nice with her voice

Next is one of my idol Taylor Swift
omg i think she is super CHIO la!!! her eyes is damn attracting and her lips is so kissable
hahas if i'm male i confirm fall in loves with her hahas even i'm a women i cannot stop admiring her beauty

i love this "Fifteen" song =)

Jessie J another LIVE talented singer
from my own perceptives i felt not many singer can sing well in live performance

Lastly, non other than the famous GAGA!!
her new song "Born this Way"
she another one of my fav singer, cos i admire her talents in fashion, singer and her unique personality and daring!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2011 Trends Color

i wanted to dye a new hair color!!!
no more brown or no more dark brown
wanna a lighter color
but no money now first, have to wait till working liao =(
nevertheless i did research of this year trends color!!
hahas but come out with so many nice hair style and color sia..
but a pity cos i dun dare to change hair style, den somemore if singapore you dye too loud the color, really caught alot of attention sia =.=

anyway in 2011 gt 4 trends color: blonde, Brunette, Red & Black

not everyone suited blonde color, like i think XiaXue suited blonde pretty well ^^ cos i have seen her past brown photo is like OMG!!! blonde can stands out fair lady more...
its also hard to maintain in blonde, cos you have to touch up the roots once black roots grow out.
anyway enough of talking let me show you some chio hair styles and hair color for blonde:

i think blonde can add some highlights too, to give out a more style images

lastly is this blond babe: talyor swift
see blonde can make ppl fairer
omg she so chio dao bao la!!

actually i not so sure what is brunette color.. hahas
to my understanding is it brown color?
but i did online research it say brunette is acutally a tone of brown catering bewtween light brown shades and dark brown shades...
and research said it matches almost all skin tones color, so thumbs up for it =)
again some following pictures for brown:

omg i L-O-V-E this shades of brown la (think is copper?), and the red color highlights
so chio, smooth and robotic feel, plus it combine this years trends of brunette and red color lehx, dun play play!!
wanna dye it, but not sure if i suit it anot lehx.

purple highlights in brown base also look nice too ^.^
one of my favourite ("v")

blond highlights with brown base looks great too, but common lehx!!

Lastly, 2 mixtures of brown color of 1 light brown highlight is awesome too

another loud hair color for this year trend
hahas i think red color is a challenging color sia, one must really suit it, have own personality and style, if not its hard to bring out the color
for me i dun dare to dye all my hair red sia, especially not those dark flamming red color!!!
cos i dun like to caught attention, and from my own perceptives dark falmming red color are those auntie like to dye one hahas
but there are still some nice red color hair style =)

see you must have personality like her in order to bring out the red =Pp

not sure if this is brown or red?!
but her hair look silk and shiny *envy*

last but not least is black color
i have once wanted to dye black color, cos i think black look equally nice on hair skin ppl
hahas but after a few thought, me still so young need to play with the color for a few yrs first ma
so maybe when i tired enough of dying i will dye back black bah =X

if you do not want those boring black color, you can add highlights to it too ^^
like red or purple as shown below

lastly, one hair color i think is style but doesn't belong to any of the categories lehx
purplish-blue? or rather purplish-black?
not sure =P

anyway did your like all the hair color pictures?
nice rite?
for more ideas, your can google search
or below are some website for it


Friday, March 4, 2011


went to Nex yesterday with dar!!!
cos he wanna buy Icon water bottle, hence we ate Texas Chicken for lunch + breakie
the meat @ Texas Chicken is more tender than KFC lol
you wont wanna eat KFC after tasting it, its more finger licking than KFC

anyway we jus nice yestrday @ Nex gt Watsons 23rd anniversary for certain outlets only
alot of comestic 20% plus Watsons card member for additional 10%
so of cos i grabbed alot of cosmetic la, hahas all dar paid =) since i haben work hahas
anwyay i brought:
ZA foundation 60% for $12++
Majolica Majorca eyeshawdow, blusher & eyeliner, all 30%
even Majolica Majorca or ZA lipsticks is 50% sia
actually can buy alot de, but dun dare to spend so much of dar money
so spend a bomb of $80++ but i save $30++ after all the discounts
thats alot!!
hahas hope next year they gt this kind of event for their yearly anniversary again =)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What the Big Deal with UOB!!!

went down to NP with cherie on yesterday
finally reformat my lappy!!!
all the project stuff, visual basic all GONE le
thanks for the helped from IT helpdesk peeps too

anyway had an bad encounter with UOB yesterday
they call me up while i at school for an interview today @ 3pm
so i agree cos i'm free today, and so i request if they can either email/sms me their map or address
but the ppl like relectantly to give me
so the ppl just say okie and hurry down put down the phone while i still have thing to ask her
so till now i havent receive a single sms or email from UOB

but hey!! if you nvr give me a map/address how i go there?
at least your address so i can google myself rite?
i in need of the Unit no, Level, people incharge name to find rite?

so i was thinking whats wrong with UOB, such a big company cannot even email me the detail all these?
you know i have interview for recruitment consultant position, the agency jolly well send me their address PLUS map too sia, without i even request on the phone first.
and just now the OCBC also call me up for interview on this friday, and before even i wanted to request for the address, the people already started to say she will email me the details...

see their are so efficient, so i dun understand why UOB cannot send to me sia?!
such a big company also dunno how to do thing
so suan lo, if their are not even sincere enough.
we need to find those employees and jobs we like too rite, if the company is not sincere why bother to work for them

Not only the employees choose us BUT we need to choose the employees too!!!