Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Have Pass!!!

omg i have pass all my modules
*Shouting out loud* hehex
i'm feeling so happy today and anxious cos passing means i can really work at ocbc le
omg so unbevilable
gotten a B for DOA, which i scare the most, and a C for GP, where i still thought i will got a D for it, den a AD for CorCom, my first Distinction in my whole freaking poly life, thanks for the teammates hardship and our $$$ to make the project so success

lastly need to thanks god
must be the gods and gong zi bao yu me (gonna go back teck whye there bai bai to return their help le)
last nite before i sleep i even say a little prayer to them =)
Thanks god for hearing my prayer!!!
and also thanks those who pray for me ^^

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