Saturday, April 16, 2011

My 1st day of work

oh man last week was a busy and tiring week for me =(
as your know i have start my work last tues think havent suit the waking up timing yet...
too comfortable and relax at home during my holiday le

anyways a sums up of the work week
1st day nth much happen, they just give us our time table and a pile of papers that we need to learn & know
hahas i saw all the numbers and term is like confusing @_@
nvr touch on banking before so everything to me is new!!!
and we have to pass all the test and quiz with at least 80% lol
BUT i will perseverance de!!!

den 2nd day not much also just having orientation
den 3rd day i'm attached to causeway branch for attachment, nth much also just attach to a senior teller and observe what they do
den 4th day 1 hrs at branch den have to travel back to HQ for grooming lesson with shishedo, learn alot of cosmetic thing during the lesson..
and they also help us to our eyeslashes and they curl dao everyone eyes is so dolly!!!
like wearing fake eyeslashes like dat luh... so pro!!!
so thats sums up my week and nxt week mon gonna be a tedious week le, cos lesson finally gonna start

anyway yesterday sat went to town with dar, to in search for Shu Hui's present
hahas, shu hui if you are reading this, i've gotten your present le =)
and and i brought myself a charles and keith bag cos i dun have a bag for working and the moment i carry the bag, me & dar is like WOW!!!
hahas like a fu tai tai effect lol

and today plan to rest at home, to study my work notes and do laundry too =)
hahas every weekend i will try to go out only on one day den one day rest at home

kk la thats sum up my weekend hahas and good news is nxt week gt public holiday so only need to work mon-thurs nia and 3 off day luh =)
so happy and lucky!!!

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