Saturday, May 14, 2011

April Batch 1 PTBO Gang

Hi All
long time no blog le...
been busy working this few weeks, and dread out after nite...
and yes finally my PTBO training end on yesterday fri le =) YIPPS
will have a PTBO graduation camp in end may and follow by the last test and lastly i'm finally in!!!
although most of the test have successfully completed and now already can been deploy le la
but still have the last round camp test to go =)
I'll Do It!!!

so last fri my trainer gave us 2hrs of lunch break...
and the 15 of us went to the famous bah kut teh @ opposite Raffles Mall for a lunch, and follow by some shopping and chilling out at the mall

tadada all the April Batch 1 PTBO
all super friendly, nice, sweet and chio

soon we will see each other in the coming thurs for dinner with trainer, follow by Pula Ubin Camp and gathering @ the club

So i wish all of them: All the best & Take Care & Balance All the Day *BLESS*

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